New testament gospel of john chapter 14 verse 16

Gospel of john chapter 16 verse 1214 yahoo answers. These passages are located primarily in johns gospel. The book went through two to three stages, or editions, before reaching its current form, at the latest, around ad 80100. John 14 parallel greek new testament html bible by. All things that the father hath are mine, and the spirit shall receive of mine and shew it to you. Mcconkie 191585 of the quorum of the twelve apostles taught that john 3. Introduction to the gospel of john study resources. The promise of this paraclete or advocate is given four times in the chapters before us the only other passage in the new testament where the word occurs being 1 john 2. A special promise to the apostles, which fitted them to preach the gospel authoritatively and leave behind them the records of the new testament. Johns gospel records that jesus christ frequently referred to his father as he taught. Jesus wanted his followers to know that he loved and revered his father and was obedient to him in all things. Verses 16, 17, consequent on this obedient love, conditioned by it, is the lords assurance. The paraclete in john is a teacher, a witness to jesus, and a prosecutor of the world, who represents the continued presence on earth of the jesus who has returned to the father. Most interpreters understand this of heaven, as the peculiar dwellingplace or palace of god.

The angel for believers is called the angel of the truth. It takes us as men and women of the earth and refines us into men and women for the eternities the great commandment, ensign or liahona, nov. John 1416 esv i am the way, and the truth, and the bible. Why study the koine greek language with peter watts. John s gospel is a mystical reflection on the word made flesh, jesus christ. Wirthlin 19172008 of the quorum of the twelve apostles declared. The gospel of jesus christ is a gospel of transformation. I am going now to prepare a place for you, 3 and after i have gone and prepared you a place, i shall return to take you to myself. Verses 5 16 the work of the paraclete a pneumaangel different from the pneumaangel that was in jesus. John chapter 1 verse 16 robertsons word pictures of.

The word used for pray is one which implies more of nearness of approach and of familiarity than that which is rendered ask in john 14. John 1416 niv jesus comforts his disciples do bible gateway. And if i go and prepare a place for you, i will come again, and receive you unto myself. John 14 niv jesus comforts his disciples do bible gateway. In the gospel the english version uniformly translates it by comforter. Correct text aleph b c d l and not kai and of the textus receptus.

The only instance of plhrwma in john s writings, though five times of christ in pauls epistles colossians 1. Jesus is god, having existed in heavens glory and goodness before he ever came to the earth. It is written anonymously, although it identifies an unnamed disciple whom jesus loved as the source of its. Additional resources burton coffman barnes new testament darbys synopsis geneva study bible david guziks commentaries jamieson, fausset, brown john lightfoot commentary matthew henry complete matthew henry concise peoples new testament. On the glorifying of jesus here spoken of, see on chap. Biblical studiesnew testament commentariesthe gospel of johnchapter 16.

The gospel of john verse by verse ministry international. Jesus was born as a man, having added humanity to deity. And i will ask the father is used of an asking which is based on close and intimate fellowship. Johns gospel is a mystical reflection on the word made flesh, jesus christ. The gospel of john continues to fulfill its purpose of evangelizing the lost john 3. Not only do we learn about our lords life on earth, but we also discover new spiritual importance in familiar old testament stories. And i will pray the father, and he shall give you another comforter, that he may abide with you forever. Chapters 1416 of john contain over 40 references to the father. Q did jesus say in the gospel that there will be someone named muhammad whom we are suppose to follow. Mark chapter 16 verse 15 the new john gill exposition. John 16 i have said all these things to you to keep you. John 16 i am the way, and the truth, and the life 14 d let not your hearts be troubled.

Did jesus say in the gospel that there will be someone. John, in the 14th chapter, from the 12th to the 27th verses. Euangelion kata ioannen is the fourth of the canonical gospels. Jesus statement in verse 16 about the father sending another24 counselor parakletos is intriguing. John s gospel is followed by the acts of the apostles in the new testament of the bible. The gospel of john is the fourth of the four gospels of the new testament matthew, mark, luke, and john.

Pastor armstrong teaches versebyverse through johns gospel in his notable indepth, insightful style. The possession of truth confers knowledge and liberation from sin jn 8. Join us for one of the most important studies any bible student can undertake. Biblical studiesnew testament commentariesthe gospel of. Jesus announces to his disciples, i am the way, the truth, and the life. It evidently means that he, by the work he was yet to perform in heaven, would secure their admission there, and obtain for them the blessings of eternal life. Verse 14 chapter 15 verse 16 printer friendly version.

Another interesting characteristic of verse 14 and 15 is this idea of the spirit declaring things to the disciples. The pronoun is again emphatici have given you your part to do. It has also been called the gospel in a nutshell, because it is considered a summary of the central theme of traditional christianity for god so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever. There are 28 words in the last chapter that are not found elsewhere in the gospel, but most of these are caused by the subjectmatter in the first 14 verses.

In this portion of john chapter 16, jesus describes the work of the paraclete. The only instance of plhrwma in johns writings, though five times of christ in pauls epistles colossians 1. They are so united that what proceeds from one proceeds from all. He shall glorify me, because of that which is mine will he receive and will declare it unto you. For much of his ministry the lord jesus was teaching the gospel of the kingdom to none but the lost sheep of the house or israel, but as the animosity and hatred towards their promised messiah became increasingly evident among the jewish leaders, jesus began to prepare his little band of disciples for the significant changes that were about to take place after his crucifixion. Did jesus say in the gospel that there will be someone named. It is the word which john regularly uses when he speaks of our lord as praying to the father. The words spoken by jesus is the discourse between john 14. Nasb this verse fits with the often stark contrast of dark and light in the gospel of john, especially as depicted of the jews who are constantly in the dark. But when the comforter is come, whom i will send unto you from the father, even the spirit of truth, which. Mar 22, 2010 this feature is not available right now. Pastor armstrong teaches verse by verse through john s gospel in his notable indepth, insightful style. Explanatory reason for verse 14 of his fulness ek tou plhrwmatov.

That work would consist mainly in his intercession, heb 10. This theologically profound gospel is composed by the beloved. John 1 the word became flesh 1 in the beginning was the word, and the word was with god, and the word was god. It is not entirely clear just how this declaration will come. John chapter 14 second continued once again, jesus emphasized the need for the habitual practice of obedience to his commands as evidence of the believers love for him and the father. Johns gospel is followed by the acts of the apostles in the new testament of the bible. That night he was to be seized and taken from them. It is found once again in the new testament, and is there applied by st.

Explores each of the paraclete passages in john 14, 15, and 16. John 14 new international version niv jesus comforts his disciples. Barrett observes, the spirit is thought of in personal terms. It has also been called the gospel in a nutshell, because it is considered a summary of the central theme of traditional christianity. He that hath seen me hath seen the father johns gospel records that jesus christ frequently referred to his father as he taught. All the writers of the new testament, with the possible exception of luke, were all jewish. Esv audio bible, gospel of john, chapter 16 youtube. John 14, new king james version nkjv the bible app. In the recorded encounters between jesus and nicodemus and the woman at the well chapters 34, we learn much from jesus model of personal.